Linking observations into design of good social development systems

Today during the conversations with Uday, few insights surfaced

  1. The art and literature shapes the thinking of child to have his ‘Rule book’ for deciding ‘right or wrong’ in his/her life.
  2. Art and Literature is expressed in the form stories and pictures/ sculptures of god he/she gets exposed to.
  3. Theatre and Sports are the platforms for child to express and experiment.

Now my mind is working on How to link these observations into design of good social development systems.

Question to this Forum are

  1. What are villages within india or outside india where Art, literature, Theatre, Music are structured tools for social development?
  2. What are villages within india or outside where Sports has helped in self reliant communities?
    We want to collect such models to integrate in Mission Samriddhi Summit to be held in Chennai from 8th to 10th February.
February 1, 2024

Milestone of the ADK Jain Eye Hospital

I’m happy to share a heartfelt milestone from the ADK Jain Eye Hospital family. On our 4th Foundation Day, we proudly unveiled our Premium Wing—a special chapter in our journey toward providing exceptional eye care.

The day was even more remarkable with the gathering of bright minds at ROAD 2023 (Rural Ophthalmology Annual Dialogue), where we delved into insightful discussions about the future of eye care amongst rural communities.

A sincere thank you to our esteemed guests— Dr. Suraj Singh Senjam, Dr. (Prof)Taru Dewan, Dr. (Prof)Shashi Vashisht, Dr. (Prof)Punam Kapur, Dr. (Prof)Mukesh Sharma, Dr. (Prof)Ashok Pathak, Dr. H K Yaduvanshi, Dr. Manoj Yadav, Dr. Amit Kumar, Dr. Pravin Malik and other incredible individuals. Their presence added immeasurable value to the occasion.

This celebration embodies our shared vision for outstanding eye care and our commitment to making a positive impact in the communities we serve. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who played a part in contributing to the ongoing journey of ADK Jain Eye Hospital.

ADKFoundationDay #PremiumWingInauguration #ROAD23 #EyeCareExcellence #ADKJainEyeHospital #eyehospital #eyecareadvancement

December 1, 2023

The Power Of Love For Empowerment: Amazing Banwasi Seva Ashram

Dinesh Chandra’s recent post sheds light on an initiative that profoundly touched our hearts – Banwasi Seva Ashram in Sonbhadra. This sacred haven has emerged as a beacon of hope, driven by a profound belief in the transformative power of love.

In the past, this region was synonymous with violence and was associated with the Naxalite movement. However, today, the situation has taken a remarkable turn. In some of the villages here, not a single police report has been filed recently, a testament to the positive change that has occurred.

In a world that often seems to believe that violence can only be countered with more violence and that hatred can only be overcome by more hatred, Banwasi Seva Ashram stands as living proof that love possesses the alchemical power to bring about lasting transformation.

I wholeheartedly endorse Dinesh’s invitation to visit this remarkable institution to witness firsthand the profound truth that love has the potential to change destinies. Together, we can make a difference.

October 5, 2023

Ullas-The Young Achiever 26th Annual Can Do workshop 2023

Today we are celebrating Ullas – The Young Achiever, 26th Annual ‘Can Do’ workshop 2023 at Music Academy, Chennai.

The workshop has over 1100 Teenagers from class 9 from government and corporation schools selected thru proper test. The test was taken by over 5000 students from over 200 schools in Chennai.

This workshop is named as ‘Diary of Dreams’ Workshop where we encourage students to write their dream in small personal diary handed to them among 1100 other students.

This is a beginning of their journey of Design the Thinking to drive higher performance followed by 20 Life skills workshops.

The 20 workshop are divided into 4 Summits.

Summit 1 for 9th standard Summit 2 for 10th standard
Summit 3 for 11th standard
Summit 4 for 12th standard

Each Summit has 5 Workshops conducted by Polaris/Intellect Employees, Ullas Alumni and college students.

October 2, 2023

Over 1,100 Young Minds Attend Ullas’ 26th Annual ‘Can Do’ Workshop in Chennai


Today, we celebrated Ullas -The Young Achiever, 26th Annual ‘Can Do’ workshop 2023 at Music Academy, Chennai.

The workshop saw over 1,100 Teenagers from class IX from government and corporation schools selected through proper tests. Over 5,000 students took the test from over 200 schools in Chennai.

This workshop is named the ‘Diary of Dreams’ Workshop, where we encourage students to write their dreams in small personal diaries handed to them among 1100 other students.

This is the beginning of their journey of Design Thinking to drive higher performance, followed by 20 Life skills workshops. Each Summit has five Workshops conducted by Polaris/Intellect Employees, Ullas Alumni and college students.

September 30, 2023

Great Example of Designing in the Minds of Villages

Transformation of villages can happen when villagers own the change and work together. In the above movie, Sidharth Tripathi, a government bureaucrat works with the tribal community and the change is visible.

  1. Complete alcohol-free tribal community
  2. Family income increases 3 times from 3 crops per year vs. 1 crop per year. This is because of water conservation.
  3. The education of the tribal women and then building SHG where banks are comfortable giving loans up to 5 lacs creating nextgen entrepreneurs.
  4. Curiosity of villagers to learn scientific agriculture and crop diversity like Shimla Mirch etc., increased income further.
  5. Youth participating in sports, this way they stay away from drugs and alcohol.
  6. Both forest conservation and water conservation i.e. ecology drivers built in.

We visited Aram Kera villages in February 2021 and were amazed to see how Personal Development with minimal cost can drive 50 to 100 times the economic viability.

#transformation #ruralindia

September 29, 2023

Post describing his 10 years journey

I heard the phrase during my school days – Time Flies.

Here I am experiencing 10 years of time flown since innauguration of FT8012 on 23rd March 2013 by Michael Harte, who flown from Australia to innaugurate this ‘Monument of Design Thinking’, the first of its kind in the world dedicated for making a difference in financial technology world.

Over the 10 years period of smartest brains entered in this space and having deep design conversations makes this place sacred. Each time I participated in taking a group of leaders around Design Center, I got some new learning, some new connections, some blind spots surfaced or some difficult problems got solved. Each visit is Magical and energising for me.

The whole concept and design of Mission Samriddhi germinated from FT 8012. It took us 3 years and over 150 Development Accelerators with deep commitment to Social development participated in over 20 different workshops. The entire CATALYST WHEEL and Cluster Development Program (CDP) got designed from this SACRED place.

It’s a Temple of Thinking and Inspiration for me.

Happy Design Day.

hashtag#design hashtag#inspiration hashtag#missionsamriddhi hashtag#socialdevelopment

March 1, 2023

Celebrating Sixth Foundation Day of Mission Samriddhi

Today is the 6th foundation day of Mission Samriddhi. There were more than 70 participants in the workshop who decided on the name for the ‘Purpose’ they are committing to. Finally, it has to go for voting and the name Mission Samriddhi was born.

During that time, Arup Kavan helped me design the ‘Open Architecture’ for Social Development after researching various models of sustainable and scalable social development, including the United Nations. Since we knew social development is Multidimensional and Multifactorial problem, we will need Design Thinking as a methodology for arriving at small successes. MS executive Council also took a ‘Conscious Pause’ in accelerating the projects for the first 3 years. We called this phase of Mission Samriddhi a student phase doing extensive research through experiential learning by spawning multiple projects. This pause has provided us with‘ silent spaces’ to listen to the extreme noises in very large systems of social development.

Early on, the purpose of the organisation got crystallised into just 3 words instead of long sentences – Celebrate, Connect and Catalyse. This simplification helped in such a wonderful alignment among hundreds of like-minded, highly expertise-based professionals.

November 20, 2022

The 6th foundation day of Mission Samriddhi

Today is the 6th foundation day of Mission Samriddhi. There were more than 70 participants in the workshop who decided on the name for the ‘Purpose’ they are committing to. Finally, it has to go for voting and the name Mission Samriddhi was born.

During that time, Arup Kavan helped me design the ‘Open Architecture’ for Social Development after researching various models of sustainable and scalable social development, including the United Nations. Since we knew social development is Multidimensional and Multifactorial problem, we will need Design Thinking as a methodology for arriving at small successes. MS executive Council also took a ‘Conscious Pause’ in accelerating the projects for the first 3 years. We called this phase of Mission Samriddhi a student phase doing extensive research through experiential learning by spawning multiple projects. This pause has provided us with‘ silent spaces’ to listen to the extreme noises in very large systems of social development.

Early on, the purpose of the organisation got crystallised into just 3 words instead of long sentences – Celebrate, Connect and Catalyse. This simplification helped in such a wonderful alignment among hundreds of like-minded, highly expertise-based professionals.

November 1, 2022

Indias first Assistive Technology Start Up Awards by AssisTech Foundation in partnership with NASSCOM Foundation

On 14th Oct, I had the opportunity to present India’s first Assistive Technology Start-Up Awards by AssisTech Foundation (ATF) in partnership with NASSCOM Foundation at IIT Madras Research Park (IITMRP) !

As a part of its 10X programme, IIT-Madras Research Park is betting big in the Assistive Technology (AT) space and intends to help create several start-ups in the coming years.

This initiative focuses on supporting & scaling indigenously built, affordable assistive technology products/solutions for India and the world to empower all Persons with Disability.

As a small step towards this direction, IITMRP organised a conference (13 th to 15 th October) a one-of-a-kind event bringing together the academia, industry and end users of Assistive Technologies,that is persons with disabilities. This conference was having 20+ presenters, 8 workshops and 80+ exhibits.

Many congratulations AssisTech Foundation IITMRP, AssisTech Foundation, Nasscom and all the winners of the first AssisTech Awards.

October 10, 2022