Das Lakshan Parv Fifth Virtue

Virtue 5: Authentic and Transparent

Today, we are talking about Search for Truth – Uttam Satya. It took some time to reflect on this complex word, and thus sharing it little delayed.

My little understanding of the word – Uttam Satya.

October 1, 2023

Das Lakshan Parv Third Virtue

Virtue 3 (Uttam Arjava): Simplicity, Straightforward and Integrity

Thoughts, Words and Actions are 3 keywords which form the straight line of straightforwardness. It gets expressed in a negative sense as a word Deceit or Maya.

My own understanding of these words, not necessarily yours.

October 1, 2023

Das Lakshan Parv Fourth Virtue

4th Virtue (Uttam Shauch)

Purity and Contentment

Three words form the backbone of this virtue – Needs, Desires and Greed. Understanding these words leads to high-performance thinking or strategic decisioning.

My interpretation of scriptural understanding in today’s context.

October 1, 2023

Das Lakshan Parv Seventh Virtue

This virtue consists of the physical or external transformation of the body followed by Mind transformation or internal transformation.

Right vision or perspective or faith is important to start this journey.

October 1, 2023
October 1, 2023

Das Lakshan Parv Sixth Virtue

Virtue 6 : Self Discipline and Pause

Perseverance/Sanyam helps in taking a pause before reacting to a situation. It leads to responding to crisis or opportunity vs reacting.

Search of Truth requires long term research thus perseverance(Sanyam).

Just reflect.

October 1, 2023

Das Lakshan Parv

Today we are starting ‘Das Lakshan Parv’ – Paryushan which means Celebrating 10 Virtues of being a good Human.

Each day we go deep into one virtue where all the scholars of the philosophy speak about that virtue. As per Anekantvaad philosophy of Jainism – All perspectives of Specific virtue are appreciated without one prescriptive book.

I have been listening to various scholars over many years. I am sharing my understanding of today’s virtue – Forgiveness. It’s a partial knowledge and full knowledge of the virtue will be completed by you and your thinking. This summary may provide a trigger for your experiences to reflect on forgiveness virtue.

September 1, 2023

Post on six rooms linking to Design Thinking

I need a help in understanding 

1. What is learning Capacity? 

2. How do we measure Learning Capacity in a Person?

Very interesting dialogue happening where different Perspectives are emerging. 

As per ‘Design The Thinking’ – Thinking mind has six rooms – Imagination room, Learning room, Doing room, Effective room, influencing room and Giving room.

Our mind lives in these 6 rooms thruout the day. The more imagination leads the desire of learning more. The more learning gets applied to doing results into experiential learning. Thru experiential learning one learns to become effective as team member or team leader and leads to influencing others. Giving or teaching is greatest way to increase learning capacity. 

The measurement of learning capacity as suggested by few people thru standardised tests is a good way to Judge. One other way to measure learning capacity is to ask a person to write down number of questions which comes to his mind about a particular problem not answers. Germination of right questions may help in determining his/her learning capacities.

September 1, 2023

Less is more First law of Design Thinking

1 Less is MORE: First Law of Design Thinking

  1.  99 plus percent mass in animals and plants consists of just 4 elements CHON – Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. All beauty of nature is designed with 4 elements.
  2. Design of all species and their behaviour and characteristics are based on just 4 elements Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine and Thymine (CGAT).
  3. Apple with just 4 products – iPhone, iMac, iPad and Airpods generates over $ 365 billion in revenues.
  4. Sometimes we celebrate and link productivity with a higher number of activities.
  5. Sometimes I measure my importance with the number of meetings per week or the number of emails I receive in my mailbox.
  6. For Design Thinking – ‘Why’ is important before ”what’? Why brings Clarity of Purpose.
  7. Once there is a clarity of purpose, one can make a few Choices using his wisdom. Making few choices are most difficult decision in a life of an individual.
  8. Japanese decluttering guru, Marie Kondo’s ‘Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ has revolutionised lives with the ‘Power of Deleting’ principle. This principle creates space for thinking and execution.

I call ‘Less is More’ as a First Law of Design Thinking.

February 1, 2023

AICTE Leadership team in FT 8012 Design Center for 2-day Design Thinking workshop

Happy to share that AICTE Leadership team will be in FT 8012 Design Center for 2-day Design Thinking workshop on Saturday and Sunday. AICTE the top most governing body for all technical education in the country is keen in leveraging the approach of Design The Thinking (mental model) for driving greater learning outcomes in academic institutions. This will result in bringing our Design Thinking module into the main stream curriculum as well.

You can watch the Launch Address of Prof. Anil D Sahasrabudhe in the YouTube Link.


Dr. Anbu Rathinavel

#education #designthinking #design #team #aicte

June 12, 2022