Observations in Children’s Entertainment: Exploring the Impact of Fight Scenes on Young Minds

Yesterday, I questioned the fight scenes even in animated movies made for children on Facebook and LinkedIn. I received a lot of insights from your comments. I am documenting a few of the observations here.

1. Fight scenes train a child’s mind for better defence.
2. Fight scenes build ‘violence’ as a key method of resolving any difference of opinions/perspectives/expectations.
3. Violence sells better among audiences which means we as developed human being still love ‘animal’ instinct of physical force over logical conversations (dialogue) to resolve difference of opinions/perspectives.

Somewhere I am confused with our ‘expressed’ behaviour i.e. we must live with love as a key uniting force of humanity vs. ‘suppressed’ behaviour of liking physical dominance.

Please share your thoughts on this dichotomy of our behaviours.

May 2, 2024

From Teenager to Achiever

I am delighted to share my personal diary of my teenage interspersed with our 25 year old ‘Diary of Dreams’ at Ullas Trust work with over 1.7 million high school students.

We were searching for a good book for high school students with Indian background which can be easy read with some structured inspiration but did not find one. After lots of persuasion, I could find time to start writing this book with the help of Manju and Padmini. I sent it alongwith Diwali Gift to few friends. They loved the book which encouraged me to publish this book in this post.

The book got developed around power of 5 capacities of teenage mind ie Imagination, Learning, Doing, being effective, being Influencing. In last 25 years, Ullas volunteers help student from 9th grade to write their dream and their role model in a small diary – ‘Diary of Dreams(DOD)’. This process is done in form of DOD workshop facilitated by Polaris, Intellect and Mission Samriddhi volunteers in over 85 districts across India. The book is an outcome of our deep experiences of working with 1.7 million kids.

I am dedicating this book on this Diwali to bring out light of hope, dreams and aspirations to Teenager.

From Teenager to Achiever

November 2, 2023

Personal diary of his teenage interspersed with 25-YO Diary of Dreams at Ullas Trust

I am delighted to share my personal diary of my teenage interspersed with our 25 year old ‘Diary of Dreams’ at Ullas Trust work with over 1.7 million high school students.

We were searching for a good book for high school students with Indian background which can be easy read with some structured inspiration but did not find one. After lots of persuasion, I could find time to start writing this book with the help of Manju and Padmini. I sent it alongwith Diwali Gift to few friends. They loved the book which encouraged me to publish this book in this post.

The book got developed around power of 5 capacities of teenage mind ie Imagination, Learning, Doing, being effective, being Influencing. In last 25 years, Ullas volunteers help student from 9th grade to write their dream and their role model in a small diary – ‘Diary of Dreams(DOD)’. This process is done in form of DOD workshop facilitated by Polaris, Intellect and Mission Samriddhi volunteers in over 85 districts across India. The book is an outcome of our deep experiences of working with 1.7 million kids.

I am dedicating this book on this Diwali to bring out light of hope, dreams and aspirations to Teenager. Till date Ullas has distributed 10,200 copies of this book to high school students.

Link to the Book : https://amzn.eu/d/8RFn0rB

hashtag#teens hashtag#dreams hashtag#achiever Ullas Trust Mission Samriddhi Intellect Design Arena Ltd

November 1, 2023

Ullas-The Young Achiever 26th Annual Can Do workshop 2023

Today we are celebrating Ullas – The Young Achiever, 26th Annual ‘Can Do’ workshop 2023 at Music Academy, Chennai.

The workshop has over 1100 Teenagers from class 9 from government and corporation schools selected thru proper test. The test was taken by over 5000 students from over 200 schools in Chennai.

This workshop is named as ‘Diary of Dreams’ Workshop where we encourage students to write their dream in small personal diary handed to them among 1100 other students.

This is a beginning of their journey of Design the Thinking to drive higher performance followed by 20 Life skills workshops.

The 20 workshop are divided into 4 Summits.

Summit 1 for 9th standard Summit 2 for 10th standard
Summit 3 for 11th standard
Summit 4 for 12th standard

Each Summit has 5 Workshops conducted by Polaris/Intellect Employees, Ullas Alumni and college students.

October 2, 2023

Ullas – The Young Achiever – 26th Can Do Workshop

Today we are celebrating Ullas -The Young Achiever, 26th Annual ‘Can Do’ workshop 2023 at Music Academy, Chennai.

The workshop has over 1100 Teenagers from class 9 from government and corporation schools selected thru proper test. The test was taken by over 5000 students from over 200 schools in Chennai.

This workshop is named as ‘Diary of Dreams’ Workshop where we encourage students to write their dream in small personal diary handed to them among 1100 other students.

This is a beginning of their journey of Design the Thinking to drive higher performance followed by 20 Life skills workshops.

The 20 workshop are divided into 4 Summits.

Summit 1 for 9th standard Summit 2 for 10th standard

Summit 3 for 11th standard 

Summit 4 for 12th standard 

Each Summit has 5 Workshops conducted by Polaris/Intellect Employees, Ullas Alumni and college students.

October 1, 2023

Over 1,100 Young Minds Attend Ullas’ 26th Annual ‘Can Do’ Workshop in Chennai


Today, we celebrated Ullas -The Young Achiever, 26th Annual ‘Can Do’ workshop 2023 at Music Academy, Chennai.

The workshop saw over 1,100 Teenagers from class IX from government and corporation schools selected through proper tests. Over 5,000 students took the test from over 200 schools in Chennai.

This workshop is named the ‘Diary of Dreams’ Workshop, where we encourage students to write their dreams in small personal diaries handed to them among 1100 other students.

This is the beginning of their journey of Design Thinking to drive higher performance, followed by 20 Life skills workshops. Each Summit has five Workshops conducted by Polaris/Intellect Employees, Ullas Alumni and college students.

September 30, 2023

Teacher’s Day

Teacher is the one who triggers a new thought or connects the existing knowledge to mould the person.

Teachers can be anyone from Parents, Supervisors and peers besides formal Classroom teachers. Sometimes, a smart question by a younger person can be a teacher.

Let’s celebrate all the teachers around us and within us. Happy Teacher’s Day.

hashtag#learning hashtag#teaching hashtag#education hashtag#students School of Design Thinking Mission Samriddhi Intellect Design Arena Ltd STPI – Software Technology Parks of India

September 1, 2023

Post about iRUN hosted as part of Intellect Day 2023

Incredible Stories of Intellect Fest 2023

iRUN 2023 – Where Dreams and Determination Met the Finish Line

In the realm of running, the race isn’t about whether you lead, follow, or come in last. It’s about proudly proclaiming, “I crossed that finish line.” This sentiment struck a chord with us at Intellect. It was the inspiration behind the iRUN event, a unique double marathon spanning 5 km and 10 km. This special event was the heart of Intellect Fest 2023, a spectacle that unfolded on a bright Saturday morning, August 5th.

This year’s iRUN carved its place in history, with an astounding 580 registrations by the Associates embracing the challenge. These numbers stand as a testament to our unity and determination, far surpassing the modest participation of previous iRUNs, where we rarely exceeded 300 participants.

Our associates were invited to share the marathon spirit with their beloved family members. As we pursued our physical goals together, each person chose their marathon distance, either 5 km or 10 km, reflecting the diversity of our shared vision, One Dream, One Intellect. This embodies our strategic philosophy of collaboration and a united purpose.

The rhythm of this grand event echoed beyond borders. For the first time, iRUN’s magic reached the heart of Hyderabad, where over 100 enthusiasts joined the journey. Mumbai also received over 200 registrations unfortunately the event could not happen due to heavy rain.

In Chennai, our event unfolded as a tapestry woven with threads of unity. Spouses, Children, and even those with mobility challenges joyfully took part in the marathon. The 10 km race showcased the incredible skills of Mythili Periyasamy, securing the top spot for the second consecutive year. A talented footballer, she conquered the distance in just one hour, one minute, and thirty seconds and Valarmathi secured the second position. Hariharan accomplished the 10 km course in 42 minutes and Vinod Kumar secured the second position finishing the course in 42 minutes and 15 seconds. He had previously emerged as the champion of iRUN 2022.

Discussing the other victors in Chennai, In the 5 km race held, Venkatesh finished first with a time of 24 minutes and 6 seconds, while Mariya secured the top position in 39 minutes and 31 seconds. Meanwhile, in Hyderabad, Susanta Kumar Sahoo completed the 5 km race in 24 minutes and 5 seconds, and Surapaneni Pujitha clinched victory in 30 minutes and 4 seconds.

Intellect Fest committee acted as the guardians of this spirited spectacle. Hydration stations dotted the route, protecting participants from dehydration, while clear directions guided them on the right path.

As we look back, iRUN 2023 becomes a symphony of achievement, etching a chapter into Intellect’s legacy. It embodies unity, resilience, and our shared dreams.

I will share the stories of the success of Intellect and our Associates in the upcoming weeks.

August 1, 2023

Reshared SRM’s post announcing starting of new Design Thinking course for all first year students

Reshared: SRM has introduced Design Thinking course for all first year students. A major breakthru in curriculum where ‘Design The Thinking’ based on unmukt is becoming the foundation stone for understanding the Technology and Engineering better.

Congratulations to all faculty who spent enough time in learning the new pedagogy at School of Design Thinking under the leadership of Dr. Anbu Rathinavel.

July 1, 2023

Post about Anil Pradhan, founder of Young Tinker Foundation

Anil Pradhan, founder of Young Tinker Foundation from Bhubhneshwar, has taken a team from schools in villages of Odisha all the way to NASA, and we at Mission Samriddhi have been privileged to mentor him. The team consisted of students from 9th to 11th grades, who were trained to create a functional Rover from scratch in just 6 months.

Using CADD, they built all mechanical parts and carefully selected lightweight materials to stay within the weight limit for the rover. I am amazed at how these students were able to learn such fine engineering sciences in such a short period of time. They are now competing in a global competition with resources 50-100 times greater than their own.

This achievement is beyond the limits of conventional learning and a testament to the hard work and dedication of Anil Pradhan and his team. Congratulations to all involved!

Yogesh Andlay

hashtag#YoungTinkerAcademy hashtag#NASA hashtag#MissionSamriddhi

April 1, 2023