Post describing his 10 years journey

I heard the phrase during my school days – Time Flies.

Here I am experiencing 10 years of time flown since innauguration of FT8012 on 23rd March 2013 by Michael Harte, who flown from Australia to innaugurate this ‘Monument of Design Thinking’, the first of its kind in the world dedicated for making a difference in financial technology world.

Over the 10 years period of smartest brains entered in this space and having deep design conversations makes this place sacred. Each time I participated in taking a group of leaders around Design Center, I got some new learning, some new connections, some blind spots surfaced or some difficult problems got solved. Each visit is Magical and energising for me.

The whole concept and design of Mission Samriddhi germinated from FT 8012. It took us 3 years and over 150 Development Accelerators with deep commitment to Social development participated in over 20 different workshops. The entire CATALYST WHEEL and Cluster Development Program (CDP) got designed from this SACRED place.

It’s a Temple of Thinking and Inspiration for me.

Happy Design Day.

hashtag#design hashtag#inspiration hashtag#missionsamriddhi hashtag#socialdevelopment

March 1, 2023

About author

Arun Jain