July 22, 2024

My Diary – Finding Beauty and Commerce in the Wonders of Nature


Nature is a true example of Beauty unlimited – you just needs an eye to observe from design of plants, flowers, fruits, animals, blue sky with colours, Oceans, multiple weathers.

Nature is Pure Science known or unknown – you just need a curious and persistent mind to connect the dots into algorithms or phenomenons.

Nature produces entire Commerce for keeping all humans engage in our lives. It’s only we design derivatives of original products from metal to food to create so called ‘economic value’.

July 1, 2024

Observations in Children’s Entertainment: Exploring the Impact of Fight Scenes on Young Minds

Yesterday, I questioned the fight scenes even in animated movies made for children on Facebook and LinkedIn. I received a lot of insights from your comments. I am documenting a few of the observations here.

1. Fight scenes train a child’s mind for better defence.
2. Fight scenes build ‘violence’ as a key method of resolving any difference of opinions/perspectives/expectations.
3. Violence sells better among audiences which means we as developed human being still love ‘animal’ instinct of physical force over logical conversations (dialogue) to resolve difference of opinions/perspectives.

Somewhere I am confused with our ‘expressed’ behaviour i.e. we must live with love as a key uniting force of humanity vs. ‘suppressed’ behaviour of liking physical dominance.

Please share your thoughts on this dichotomy of our behaviours.

May 2, 2024

Exploring Forgotten Periods of Prosperity in History for Lessons on Holistic Well-being and Sustainable Societies

We have studied major events in history books. Most of the events are recorded around major wars and change of power. In Indian history, we remember Alexander’s (Sikandar) war and the birth of Chandragupta and then Ashoka Kalinga’s war which was in 2 BC. Then lots of wars between the 11th century till our recent independence.

Between these invasions there were long periods of great prosperity for 300 to 600 years (12 generations to 24 generations) which are not at all documented in our history. These periods are much longer than the entire industrial transformation over the last 175 years.

What were those successes?
A. Systems – Political, Economic, Social
B. Processes – Education and Health
C. Governance – Empowerment and conflict resolutions

The modern ‘ism’ like Communism and Capitalism have completed just over 150 to 200 years and they start showing that it’s cracking.

How do we retrieve those knowledge systems that may have possible learnings of holistic happiness built around spirituality, expertise and interdependent livelihoods with lesser greed, selfishness, ego and violence?

May 2, 2024

Celebrating 2622th Birth Anniversary of Mahavir

Why do we call Mahavir a Spiritual Saint as a ‘Courageous Soldier’? His search or research for 12 years in jungles of Vihar now Bihar is to find true happiness outside materialistic pleasures. His search was for finding ‘The True Truth’. He discovered that the journey of true truth starts from inside self. That internal journey of understanding self requires extreme courage and bravery and that must be reason for naming him ‘Mahavir’.

The inner journey of self has been simplified by him in 3 simple words besides 357 sutras written in Tatvarthsutra. Ahimsa, Anekantvaad and Aprigrah are those 3 simple words which enables one to start this inward journey.

As explained in last year post

  • A1. Ahimsa – no hurt to anyone even at Thinking level before speaking or Action. This is starting point of collaboration.
  • A2. Anekantwad – acceptance of multiple views and respect them. This is starting point of creativity.
  • A3. Aprigrah – Non-attachment to specific offering or object but just commited to purpose. The purity of purpose removes all the fears and provide extreme courage to take on any initiatives.
  • These 3 principles are foundational signposts for inner journey to begin supported by Satya (Principle centric), Sanyam (Perseverance), Tap (deep research) and Tyaag(Letting go or letting go ego).
  • My mind was connecting Inspirational Institutional Leadership with above seven teachings of Mahavir – Collaboration, Creativity, Purpose, Principle centric, Perseverance, Research and letting go ego.
  • Just a point of reflection and connecting self leadership of spirituality and self Leadership of human centric contribution.
May 1, 2024

Design Thinking Session for Business Leaders and Startups

Design Thinking Session for Business Leaders and Startups

It’s been 11 years since we inaugurated 8012 FT – the Transformation Design Center for Driving Leadership and Enterprise Transformation.

To commemorate this milestone, I am taking a 90-minute online session on “Design The Thinking Primer” free for all Business Leaders, Small and Medium-Size Companies and Startups.

It’s been 11 years since we inaugurated 8012 FT – the Transformation Design Center for Driving Leadership and Enterprise Transformation.

To commemorate this milestone, I am taking a 90-minute online session on “Design The Thinking Primer” free for all Business Leaders, Small and Medium-Size Compa

The session will cover topics such as the first principles of scale, the significance of Design Thinking, the concept of ‘Design The Thinking’ and how Design Thinking operates using Frames and Details to drive the Last 2% equals to 200% increase in performance.

The Session is scheduled on 29th March 2024, at 3 pm – 5 pm IST. You can register for this event at https://lnkd.in/eBwxKFhh.

Write to nachu.nagappan@intellectdesign.com for any further clarification that you may have.

April 1, 2024

Measuring Learning Capacity in a Person

I need help in understanding

  1. What is learning Capacity?
  2. How do we measure Learning Capacity in a Person?

A very interesting dialogue is happening where different Perspectives are emerging.

As per ‘Design The Thinking’ – Thinking mind has six rooms – Imagination room, Learning room, Doing room, Effective room, influencing room and Giving room.

Our mind lives in these six rooms throughout the day. The more imagination leads to the desire to learn more. The more learning gets applied to doing the more experiential learning. Through experiential learning, one learns to become effective as a team member or leader, leading to influencing others. Giving or teaching is the greatest way to increase learning capacity.

The measurement of learning capacity, suggested by a few people through standardised tests, is a good way to Judge. One other way to measure learning capacity is to ask a person to write down a number of questions which come to his mind about a particular problem, not answers. Germination of the right questions may help determine his/her learning capacities.

September 29, 2023

Teacher’s Day

Teacher is the one who triggers a new thought or connects the existing knowledge to mould the person.

Teachers can be anyone from Parents, Supervisors and peers besides formal Classroom teachers. Sometimes, a smart question by a younger person can be a teacher.

Let’s celebrate all the teachers around us and within us. Happy Teacher’s Day.

hashtag#learning hashtag#teaching hashtag#education hashtag#students School of Design Thinking Mission Samriddhi Intellect Design Arena Ltd STPI – Software Technology Parks of India

September 1, 2023