Temple of Humanity
If we imagine a Temple of Humanity for next 100 years, what will be the places of Worship’s like- Temple of Self Belief
- Temple of Imagination and Creativity
- Temple of Sustainable Agriculture.
- Temple of Continuous Learnings.
- Temple of selfless Service
- Temple of …..
Mastering Decision-Making: The Shift from Urgent Choices to Strategic Green Decisions
Decisioning – Green Decisions What is a Decision? During the day we make hundreds of decisions, some consciously and most of them unconsciously. Driving from home to office alone requires 100 plus decisions of controlling steering, raise, brakes. Thus, the human mind is prepared to make decisions naturally. But here we are talking about business decisions. What are the business decisions? Any estimated scope, efforts, cost, price, timelines, conflict handling, person selection, team selection, and product selection qualifies for business decisions. The purpose of leadership is to design algorithms to make variability of decisions, from rule-based to template-based knowledge book-based. These Business algorithms once designed makes organisation moving towards “Self managed organisation”. The leaders keep removing the mystery of decision-making to algorithms on a month-on-month basis. Algorithmising decision-making creates time for the leader to lead and design the market, products, and systems. We still need to make decisions for unknown spaces. We need to design and plan our time for maximum impact. In this situation, decisions get connected to forward detailed planning of one’s calendar for the next 90 days in detail and the next 180 days on a week-by-week basis. Unknown-unknown or first-time problems require skills in Cartographic mapping of problem space, stakeholder mapping, and end objectives. These problems can be solved individually or with a group of peers/experts/advisors. Decision can also be categorised into two buckets 1 Important planned and designed decisions vs 2 Unplanned and urgent category. I call the first category of decisions healthy decisions or Green Decisions, while category B qualifies as “diseased decisions” or forced decisions. Vision, objective and strategic planning play a critical role in more Green decisions. -
Courage: The Driving Force Behind Decisive Action in Uncertain Times
What is Courage? Is courage a Heroism? Is courage a Risk taking? Is courage a dealing with uncertainty? Is courage an emotion or an action? What is the link between Courage, Conviction and Decisiveness? Courage to my mind is a force of Action during cloudy future time. It’s a commitment to something partially known or directionally right based either intuition or certain patterns. Courage requires decisive action and series of decision inspite of early failures. Courage requires not to listening to voice of external skeptics or self doubts during the journey. Cycle time from Thought, Idea to architecture to decision. This cycle time varies from a few days to a few months to a few years. -
Unleashing the Power of Inspiration: Elevating Self-Belief and Expanding Potential
Inspiration: What is inspiration? Is inspiration a ‘feel good’ emotion or something more? What is the relation between Inspiration and Motivation? 1. Inspiration is a force transmitted to team members through dialogue and role-modelling behaviour. Once transmitted, this force multiplies many folds in the thinking space through the ‘inspired person’. 2 . The Inspiration force acts on a person’s self-belief system and expands his/her Thinking space, which in turn expands his/her ‘Can do’ Canvas. -
Unlocking Professional Growth: The Key Components for Success
My Diary Professional Growth of an individual is a function of A. Growth in Knowledge, B. Growth in Planning and Decision Making, C. Growth in Relationships, D. Growth in Art of Communication, E. Growth in Connecting Relationships with Knowledge, Planning, Decision Making and Art of Communication to create impact. -
Purple Fabric Triad: Setting new standards for unbiased decision-making in financial services
The European Union has set out seven key regulations to ensure responsible Generative AI use in business, focusing on Explainability; Bias Removal; Accountability; Data Privacy; Security; Fairness, and Transparency. PF Triad, the fourth technology in the Purple Fabric Suite, embodies these principles by eliminating bias in the judgement of three key roles in the enterprise – Sales/Relationship Managers, Operations Managers, and Compliance Managers. Using advanced AI algorithms and contextual LLMs, PF Triad ensures optimal, unbiased decisions and recommendations. With built-in reasoning algorithms and real-time data access via self-constructed SQL queries, PF Triad provides comprehensive, up-to-date insights. PF Triad has been successfully implemented in wealth advisory, complex investigations, and loss runs, particularly in the UK and US markets, setting a new standard for unbiased decision-making in financial services.