Linking observations into design of good social development systems

Today during the conversations with Uday, few insights surfaced

  1. The art and literature shapes the thinking of child to have his ‘Rule book’ for deciding ‘right or wrong’ in his/her life.
  2. Art and Literature is expressed in the form stories and pictures/ sculptures of god he/she gets exposed to.
  3. Theatre and Sports are the platforms for child to express and experiment.

Now my mind is working on How to link these observations into design of good social development systems.

Question to this Forum are

  1. What are villages within india or outside india where Art, literature, Theatre, Music are structured tools for social development?
  2. What are villages within india or outside where Sports has helped in self reliant communities?
    We want to collect such models to integrate in Mission Samriddhi Summit to be held in Chennai from 8th to 10th February.
February 1, 2024

About author

Arun Jain