Purple Fabric Triad: Setting new standards for unbiased decision-making in financial services

The European Union has set out seven key regulations to ensure responsible Generative AI use in business, focusing on Explainability; Bias Removal; Accountability; Data Privacy; Security; Fairness, and Transparency.

PF Triad, the fourth technology in the Purple Fabric Suite, embodies these principles by eliminating bias in the judgement of three key roles in the enterprise – Sales/Relationship Managers, Operations Managers, and Compliance Managers.

Using advanced AI algorithms and contextual LLMs, PF Triad ensures optimal, unbiased decisions and recommendations.

With built-in reasoning algorithms and real-time data access via self-constructed SQL queries, PF Triad provides comprehensive, up-to-date insights.

PF Triad has been successfully implemented in wealth advisory, complex investigations, and loss runs, particularly in the UK and US markets, setting a new standard for unbiased decision-making in financial services.

July 26, 2024

Celebrating the 11th Anniversary of Transformation Design Center for Digital and Cognitive Enterprises – 8012 Fintech Design Center

This week, we are celebrating the 11th Anniversary of Transformation Design Center for Digital and Cognitive Enterprises-8012FT, Holistic Design Thinking Space.

We started the Transformative journey of designing a Product and Technology Institution from the service company Polaris since 2009.

During 2009 and 2011, I designed the first Design the Thinking program Unmukt, focused on understanding the art and Science of Human Thinking and trained 1100+ associates at Polaris. We wanted to change the culture of the company from Order Takers to Problem Solvers to Agenda Setters. The initial impact was there but not long-lasting. Then we decided to create an ‘Inspirational Space’ to drive understanding true Customer Desirability by designing Personna Maps and Empathy Maps, observing Patterns and Anti-patterns and then Connecting the dots. 8012 FT, Transformation Design Center for Digital and Cognitive Enterprise, spread over a big expanse of 30,000 Sqft, took 15 months to design on paper by 10 cross-functional designers and 9 months to construct and finish. During 15 months of the Design phase, the team discarded 3 fully designed architecture drawings, including models, before agreeing on the 4th design. It required extreme patience from the design team.

This led to the demerging of Polaris into Polaris as a Software services company and Intellect Design as a Product and technology company in 2014. Here, the journey of ‘Intellect Design’ begins to lead BankTech Wave 5 based on Cloud technology and AI. We launched the First Principle-based Financial Tech Stack, eMACH.ai, the most Comprehensive, Composable & Contextual, last year. eMACH.ai Financial Tech Stack has over 329 Microservices, 535 events and 1757 curated assets for Core Banking, Lending, Wealth, Transaction Banking, Insurance for banks & financial institutions. We take pride that Intellect technology has been adopted by over 300+ global customers across 57 countries.

Today, when we are celebrating our 11th Anniversary, we are satisfied that this centre has contributed to conducting around 500+ DT workshops for Intellect Customers, Corporations, Management and Engineering Faculties, and Government bodies like AICTE, FinBlue, @NIC, NITTTR, DIET, Startup TN, Tamilnadu Industries etc., Academic institutions like Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, Anna University, IIIT Ranchi, IIITDM, Krea University, BIM, SOIL, SRM University, NIET, Madras School of Social Work (MSSW), RMK College and Corporates like Confederation of Indian Industry, IDP, Cavincare, Maverick Systems, Indian Oil Corporation & more.

The center helped in designing holistic Rural development under Mission Samriddhi by conducting over 150 design Thinking sesions on Leadership, Social, Economic, Ecological, Institutional development. It also hosted more than 25000 Transformative Experience Walks.

Very satisfying 11 years of Self-transformation, Intellect transformation, Technology transformation and ecosystem design.

April 5, 2024

Design Thinking Session for Business Leaders and Startups

Design Thinking Session for Business Leaders and Startups

It’s been 11 years since we inaugurated 8012 FT – the Transformation Design Center for Driving Leadership and Enterprise Transformation.

To commemorate this milestone, I am taking a 90-minute online session on “Design The Thinking Primer” free for all Business Leaders, Small and Medium-Size Companies and Startups.

It’s been 11 years since we inaugurated 8012 FT – the Transformation Design Center for Driving Leadership and Enterprise Transformation.

To commemorate this milestone, I am taking a 90-minute online session on “Design The Thinking Primer” free for all Business Leaders, Small and Medium-Size Compa

The session will cover topics such as the first principles of scale, the significance of Design Thinking, the concept of ‘Design The Thinking’ and how Design Thinking operates using Frames and Details to drive the Last 2% equals to 200% increase in performance.

The Session is scheduled on 29th March 2024, at 3 pm – 5 pm IST. You can register for this event at https://lnkd.in/eBwxKFhh.

Write to nachu.nagappan@intellectdesign.com for any further clarification that you may have.

April 1, 2024

Travel to Dubai for the launch of Intellect’s ‘First Principles’ Technology suite

My interactions proved to be incredibly enriching. I had the privilege of meeting the COOs and CIOs of three major banks in the UAE, gaining first-hand knowledge about their current strategies. I was particularly impressed by their operational efficiency, evident in their high net margins (around 60%) and low cost-to-income ratios (between 25 and 32%).

Beyond business, I was captivated by the speed of change of the region. The drive from Dubai to Abu Dhabi, a mere 1 hour 10 minutes at 140 km/hour (87 mph) much higher than speed limit of 65 mph in US. I like the way the green trees are planted along the highway with drip irrigation in complete desert.

In Abu Dhabi, the “richer and older brother” of Dubai, I met with a customer of ADIB and engaged in a stimulating discussion about applying first principles thinking.
I could able to visit few Tourist structures built in Abu Dhabi : the Louvre Museum, Qasr-a-watan and the Grand Mosque. All 3 structures are big in size as well with great craftsmanship.

What I liked about the trip that Human can reverse the direction of desertification if they want. I noticed vegetables and fruits from local farms that too in the Desert of the UAE and they were using all bio fertilisers.

Rajesh Saxena Rajeev Kakar Sandeep Chouhan Banesh Prabhu Manish Maakan

March 1, 2024

37 Top Indian Bankers Converged At Intellect’s Emach.ai & Design Thinking Workshop To Accelerate Digital & Cognitive Enterprise For Exponential Growth


On October 9th and 10th, we had an amazing two-day marketing event at FT8012. I am happy to share that the eMACH.ai & Intellect Design Thinking Residential Programme for Exponential Growth went really well. Special appreciation to Debal Dutt, Ramanan S V, and Intellect Design Arena Ltd’s Marketing, Sales, and Admin teams for their outstanding work, bringing together the top 37 bankers and industry leaders.

The event was split into two main parts:

Day 1 was all about Design Thinking for Digital Enterprise
Day 2 focused on Design Thinking for Cognitive Enterprise

The event’s core message emphasised the paradigm of Designing Platforms versus Products, utilising the six designer canvases of iTurmeric, which was extremely well-received.

A key highlight was the significant role of Data Design in governing platform and ecosystem design. This underscored iTurmeric’s importance with its core components, Composite Data Objects and Transaction Data Objects, predefined and governed to ensure excellence.

API Designs and Governance is the second canvas essential in crafting exceptional digital platforms and advancing towards expansive ecosystems.

Visual User Journey Design was perceived as an innovative product combined with direct coding and embedded Rules and Events. FPX connected with the other 5 canvases was another interesting capability to bring out a Segmented and personalised expression of the platform.

February 9, 2024

First Principle Design eMACH.ai anniversary

IntellectAI, leveraging advanced technologies such as NLP, Computer Vision, and Big Data, has successfully tackled the challenge of extracting contextual intelligence from complex documents set. This innovative approach, employing proprietary domain-specific models, algorithms, and GenerativeAI, has paved the way for developing DIMS – Document Intelligence Management System. iFABRIC DIMS Platform is solving four frames of mystery.

Frame 1 : Document Classification
Frame 2 : Document Extraction
Frame 3 : Extracted data Accuracy and Validation
Frame 4 : Enriched Decision Grade data

Currently, many Fintech companies are solving each use case separately similar to early stage RDBMS companies during 1980 to 1990s era. Since my 37 years in Banking industry, I believe Banks need trusted and Integrated platform on which multiple Contextual experiences can be designed like Autonomous Credit underwriting, Large interdependent data of Trade financing, Right and compliant advise for HNIs, Embedded AI Agents to streamline operations, complex GRC alerts and embedded compliance during customer advise/ risk reporting.

All the above use cases are interdependent and require a designed approach to build a cohesive Cognitive Enterprise.

At eMACH.ai anniversary, our iFABRIC platform has won over 18 mandates from global P&C insurance, Wealth, and Investment banks and large corporates. We are running ‘Proof of Impact’ in over 40 progressive customers as of now.

I must congratulate the IntellectAI team, who applied the first principles of design thinking to demystify complex 51 step AI use case design process to just 5 step Algorithm for creating Business Impact embedded AI.

Intellect Design Arena Ltd Banesh Prabhu Deepak Dastrala Hari Menon Laila Beane Sandeep Tandon

hashtag#IntellectAI #eMACH.ai hashtag#FirstPrincipleDesign hashtag#iFABRIC hashtag#Success hashtag#IntellectAI

February 1, 2024

Linking observations into design of good social development systems

Today during the conversations with Uday, few insights surfaced

  1. The art and literature shapes the thinking of child to have his ‘Rule book’ for deciding ‘right or wrong’ in his/her life.
  2. Art and Literature is expressed in the form stories and pictures/ sculptures of god he/she gets exposed to.
  3. Theatre and Sports are the platforms for child to express and experiment.

Now my mind is working on How to link these observations into design of good social development systems.

Question to this Forum are

  1. What are villages within india or outside india where Art, literature, Theatre, Music are structured tools for social development?
  2. What are villages within india or outside where Sports has helped in self reliant communities?
    We want to collect such models to integrate in Mission Samriddhi Summit to be held in Chennai from 8th to 10th February.
February 1, 2024
October 10, 2023
October 9, 2023
October 9, 2023