This week, we are celebrating the 11th Anniversary of Transformation Design Center for Digital and Cognitive Enterprises-8012FT, Holistic Design Thinking Space.
We started the Transformative journey of designing a Product and Technology Institution from the service company Polaris since 2009.
During 2009 and 2011, I designed the first Design the Thinking program Unmukt, focused on understanding the art and Science of Human Thinking and trained 1100+ associates at Polaris. We wanted to change the culture of the company from Order Takers to Problem Solvers to Agenda Setters. The initial impact was there but not long-lasting. Then we decided to create an ‘Inspirational Space’ to drive understanding true Customer Desirability by designing Personna Maps and Empathy Maps, observing Patterns and Anti-patterns and then Connecting the dots. 8012 FT, Transformation Design Center for Digital and Cognitive Enterprise, spread over a big expanse of 30,000 Sqft, took 15 months to design on paper by 10 cross-functional designers and 9 months to construct and finish. During 15 months of the Design phase, the team discarded 3 fully designed architecture drawings, including models, before agreeing on the 4th design. It required extreme patience from the design team.
This led to the demerging of Polaris into Polaris as a Software services company and Intellect Design as a Product and technology company in 2014. Here, the journey of ‘Intellect Design’ begins to lead BankTech Wave 5 based on Cloud technology and AI. We launched the First Principle-based Financial Tech Stack,, the most Comprehensive, Composable & Contextual, last year. Financial Tech Stack has over 329 Microservices, 535 events and 1757 curated assets for Core Banking, Lending, Wealth, Transaction Banking, Insurance for banks & financial institutions. We take pride that Intellect technology has been adopted by over 300+ global customers across 57 countries.
Today, when we are celebrating our 11th Anniversary, we are satisfied that this centre has contributed to conducting around 500+ DT workshops for Intellect Customers, Corporations, Management and Engineering Faculties, and Government bodies like AICTE, FinBlue, @NIC, NITTTR, DIET, Startup TN, Tamilnadu Industries etc., Academic institutions like Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, Anna University, IIIT Ranchi, IIITDM, Krea University, BIM, SOIL, SRM University, NIET, Madras School of Social Work (MSSW), RMK College and Corporates like Confederation of Indian Industry, IDP, Cavincare, Maverick Systems, Indian Oil Corporation & more.
The center helped in designing holistic Rural development under Mission Samriddhi by conducting over 150 design Thinking sesions on Leadership, Social, Economic, Ecological, Institutional development. It also hosted more than 25000 Transformative Experience Walks.
Very satisfying 11 years of Self-transformation, Intellect transformation, Technology transformation and ecosystem design.