Great Example of Designing in the Minds of Villages

Transformation of villages can happen when villagers own the change and work together. In the above movie, Sidharth Tripathi, a government bureaucrat works with the tribal community and the change is visible.

  1. Complete alcohol-free tribal community
  2. Family income increases 3 times from 3 crops per year vs. 1 crop per year. This is because of water conservation.
  3. The education of the tribal women and then building SHG where banks are comfortable giving loans up to 5 lacs creating nextgen entrepreneurs.
  4. Curiosity of villagers to learn scientific agriculture and crop diversity like Shimla Mirch etc., increased income further.
  5. Youth participating in sports, this way they stay away from drugs and alcohol.
  6. Both forest conservation and water conservation i.e. ecology drivers built in.

We visited Aram Kera villages in February 2021 and were amazed to see how Personal Development with minimal cost can drive 50 to 100 times the economic viability.

#transformation #ruralindia

September 29, 2023

About author

Arun Jain