The journey into self-love and self-acceptance must begin with self-examination. Until you take the journey of self-reflection, it is almost impossible to grow or learn in life. – Iyanla Vanzant
Nature is a true example of Beauty unlimited – you just needs an eye to observe from design of plants, flowers, fruits, animals, blue sky with colours, Oceans, multiple weathers.
Nature is Pure Science known or unknown – you just need a curious and persistent mind to connect the dots into algorithms or phenomenons.
Nature produces entire Commerce for keeping all humans engage in our lives. It’s only we design derivatives of original products from metal to food to create so called ‘economic value’.
Yesterday, I questioned the fight scenes even in animated movies made for children on Facebook and LinkedIn. I received a lot of insights from your comments. I am documenting a few of the observations here.
1. Fight scenes train a child’s mind for better defence.
2. Fight scenes build ‘violence’ as a key method of resolving any difference of opinions/perspectives/expectations.
3. Violence sells better among audiences which means we as developed human being still love ‘animal’ instinct of physical force over logical conversations (dialogue) to resolve difference of opinions/perspectives.
Somewhere I am confused with our ‘expressed’ behaviour i.e. we must live with love as a key uniting force of humanity vs. ‘suppressed’ behaviour of liking physical dominance.
Please share your thoughts on this dichotomy of our behaviours.
We have studied major events in history books. Most of the events are recorded around major wars and change of power. In Indian history, we remember Alexander’s (Sikandar) war and the birth of Chandragupta and then Ashoka Kalinga’s war which was in 2 BC. Then lots of wars between the 11th century till our recent independence.
Between these invasions there were long periods of great prosperity for 300 to 600 years (12 generations to 24 generations) which are not at all documented in our history. These periods are much longer than the entire industrial transformation over the last 175 years.
What were those successes?
A. Systems – Political, Economic, Social
B. Processes – Education and Health
C. Governance – Empowerment and conflict resolutions
The modern ‘ism’ like Communism and Capitalism have completed just over 150 to 200 years and they start showing that it’s cracking.
How do we retrieve those knowledge systems that may have possible learnings of holistic happiness built around spirituality, expertise and interdependent livelihoods with lesser greed, selfishness, ego and violence?
Today it’s a most beautiful Sunday of my life on Ganges. It’s a cloudy day. There were rains in night. I am on ‘cruise on Ganges’ moving south and east towards Kolkata. There is vast expanse of mesmerising Ganga or Hooghly river. Both sides of River have history of last 3000 years of Civilisation.
I am experiencing a very diffferent feeling. The knowledge creation, knowledge Abstraction and knowledge application for better Humanity has happened here thru these waters. From Budha to Mahaveer or the sages and authors of Vedas / Upanishads all flown thru these waters or banks of these Ganges. Varanasi to Pataliputra to VarDhaman nagar have witnesssed the growth and decline of Humanity.
During last 6 hundred years, the banks of Ganges have seen the Portuguese coming for trading in early 1500s, followed by British, followed by Dutch, followed by French and then followed by Danish. Five European cultures and their knowledge also helped this region to grow.
The banks of Ganga learnt the design of 46 alphabets of Devanagari script which made the documentation of knowledge possible. It helped in developing sophisticated algorithms of constructing words and sentences, which we called Sanskrit Language. It was to document the ‘Sanskriti’ (संस्कृति) thru out the human development process. It saw the understanding of Farming and clothing. It saw the innovation of Converting a roadside plant with fibre like fruit to convert into threads. Then it started wiring threads into weaving which then forms the basis of Clothing. These clothing then started innovating with colours, prints and embroidery. The 700 Threads per inch became finest form of artistry and many such innovations have come around Ganga and continuing.
I am delighted to share my personal diary of my teenage interspersed with our 25 year old ‘Diary of Dreams’ at Ullas Trust work with over 1.7 million high school students.
We were searching for a good book for high school students with Indian background which can be easy read with some structured inspiration but did not find one. After lots of persuasion, I could find time to start writing this book with the help of Manju and Padmini. I sent it alongwith Diwali Gift to few friends. They loved the book which encouraged me to publish this book in this post.
The book got developed around power of 5 capacities of teenage mind ie Imagination, Learning, Doing, being effective, being Influencing. In last 25 years, Ullas volunteers help student from 9th grade to write their dream and their role model in a small diary – ‘Diary of Dreams(DOD)’. This process is done in form of DOD workshop facilitated by Polaris, Intellect and Mission Samriddhi volunteers in over 85 districts across India. The book is an outcome of our deep experiences of working with 1.7 million kids.
I am dedicating this book on this Diwali to bring out light of hope, dreams and aspirations to Teenager.
From Teenager to Achiever
I am delighted to share my personal diary of my teenage interspersed with our 25 year old ‘Diary of Dreams’ at Ullas Trust work with over 1.7 million high school students.
We were searching for a good book for high school students with Indian background which can be easy read with some structured inspiration but did not find one. After lots of persuasion, I could find time to start writing this book with the help of Manju and Padmini. I sent it alongwith Diwali Gift to few friends. They loved the book which encouraged me to publish this book in this post.
The book got developed around power of 5 capacities of teenage mind ie Imagination, Learning, Doing, being effective, being Influencing. In last 25 years, Ullas volunteers help student from 9th grade to write their dream and their role model in a small diary – ‘Diary of Dreams(DOD)’. This process is done in form of DOD workshop facilitated by Polaris, Intellect and Mission Samriddhi volunteers in over 85 districts across India. The book is an outcome of our deep experiences of working with 1.7 million kids.
I am dedicating this book on this Diwali to bring out light of hope, dreams and aspirations to Teenager. Till date Ullas has distributed 10,200 copies of this book to high school students.
Link to the Book :
hashtag#teens hashtag#dreams hashtag#achiever Ullas Trust Mission Samriddhi Intellect Design Arena Ltd