Intellect wins a destiny deal from one of the top 20 banks in North America

Intellect has won a large multi-million destiny deal from one of the top 20 banks in North America, for a Digital Transformation program in Payments. This deal is significant to Intellect as this is the highest deal ever won by the company.

The bank has executed the software license agreement for CBX 18 (Digital Platform) and Contextual Payments. The transformation program will be executed by iGTB in partnership with a global leading cloud platform and cognitive solutions company over a period of 3-4 years.

The Digital Payment Transformation initiative is a top five enterprise initiative within the bank established to drive digital leadership and regulatory mandates while delivering new payments capabilities and services to customers. By extending existing payment capabilities within the bank in new digital ways and adding complimentary contextual payments services, Intellect will be a strategic partner in the bank’s large transformation agenda.

This win in North America vindicates Intellect’s deep and early investments in building Cloud Native, Micro services based Omnichannel API first digital architecture for large, global and leading banks in driving Intellect’s products superiority in the FinTech world

#APIfirst #CloudNative #Omnichannel #ContextualPayments #iGTB

May 10, 2019

About author

Arun Jain