I was observing the trees in front of the windows in the morning after the short rains. All the leaves of the trees just had a nice wash. Two parrots flew in and sat on the branches and started enjoying the fruits of the tree. Another Myna flew in and was collecting sticks for her nest from the tree and located a space on the tree itself to create her home.
I have witnessed the calmness of the tree, year on year. I enjoyed its growth over the last 10 years since we shifted our house.
Today, I realised its existence as well as growth is truly selfless, which can be extended to all trees.
Part 2 – Celebrating selfishness
Nature has created the animal kingdom to support plants like earthworms, bees, butterflies, birds etc. They coexist and create a symbiotic and healthy community.
I don’t know at what point in time or why nature has created animals one bigger than the other.
Today, we celebrate animals like the lion. I don’t know why? We know it’s lazy, survives by killing others in the jungle, generates fear in everyone, and does not contribute anything to the forest’s development.
Still we celebrate the brute power of the lion or tiger. What do we enjoy – the pity of the deer, cow or goats?
I don’t know what emotions drive this behaviour of humans?