Travel to Dubai for the launch of Intellect’s ‘First Principles’ Technology suite

My interactions proved to be incredibly enriching. I had the privilege of meeting the COOs and CIOs of three major banks in the UAE, gaining first-hand knowledge about their current strategies. I was particularly impressed by their operational efficiency, evident in their high net margins (around 60%) and low cost-to-income ratios (between 25 and 32%).

Beyond business, I was captivated by the speed of change of the region. The drive from Dubai to Abu Dhabi, a mere 1 hour 10 minutes at 140 km/hour (87 mph) much higher than speed limit of 65 mph in US. I like the way the green trees are planted along the highway with drip irrigation in complete desert.

In Abu Dhabi, the “richer and older brother” of Dubai, I met with a customer of ADIB and engaged in a stimulating discussion about applying first principles thinking.
I could able to visit few Tourist structures built in Abu Dhabi : the Louvre Museum, Qasr-a-watan and the Grand Mosque. All 3 structures are big in size as well with great craftsmanship.

What I liked about the trip that Human can reverse the direction of desertification if they want. I noticed vegetables and fruits from local farms that too in the Desert of the UAE and they were using all bio fertilisers.

Rajesh Saxena Rajeev Kakar Sandeep Chouhan Banesh Prabhu Manish Maakan

March 1, 2024

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Arun Jain