The importance of conflict in effective problem solving

Today, I was conducting a Design Thinking Workshop for one of the top law firms in Mumbai. In Design Thinking, we identify 5 frictional forces that need awareness for effective problem solving – DCAFE – Doubt, Conflict, Anger, Fear and Ego.
We define Conflict as
A. Difference of Opinion
B. Difference of Perspective
C. Difference of Expectations

We also understand that for any creativity, we need all the above three ingredients in a team.

Thus, creativity and conflict are two sides of the same coin.

Then why should we call it Dispute Management Practice, when it accentuates a ‘win-lose’ mindset in both parties.

Why can’t we call it ‘Creative Solutioning for Managing Differences’?

Just a thought to ponder upon…

My learning for the day…

#designthinking #leadershipdevelopment

May 11, 2020

About author

Arun Jain