Post on Foundation Day

Power of Committed Communities

24.7 is the foundation date of Polaris/Intellect group 30 years ago. Aptly, ‘24 by 7’ became the DNA of members of this group who continuously think, work and achieve designing and developing better technologies for their customers across the globe.

The 30 years of collective community power translates to 10957 calendar days and over 1.5 billion hours of design, innovation and execution of a vision in global Financial Technology. A vision that is jointly shared with our customers.

I must record my gratitude to all customers who trusted Polaris/Intellect from 57 countries to connect their dreams to drive better banking for their customers.

We started our journey at the beginning of Banktech Wave 3 when the era of distributed computing and relational databases was just emerging over the Mainframes and Mini computers era. We proudly participated in providing cutting-edge technology in building the first high volume Credit Card processing application and Core Banking application on the distributed architecture of small Solaris machines and Oracle DBMS for Citibank. A unique achievement which was unheard of in that era. And then we never looked back.

In a short span of 7 years, customers from Singapore, Australia, Middle East, Germany, Switzerland, UK and US started placing their trust with our technology teams. And top 4 of 10 North American Banks, top 6 of 10 European Banks, top 9 of 10 Middle Eastern Banks, top 7 of 10 Indian Banks and top 5 of 10 South East Asia & ANZ Banks place their trust on Intellect when it comes to technology.

The process of shared visioning and imagining the nextgen through ‘Lakshya’ (our visioning exercise across the organisation) helped the group to transition smoothly to Wave 4 and now Wave 5 ahead of its competitors. Today Intellect’s launch of is a new paradigm in choreographing and composing contextual experiences at double the speed.

My gratitude to all associates (employees in industry terms) and partners, past and present, of this 24 by 7 movement, who helped in building a strong culture of small communities (teams) who asked the right questions and found the right and appropriate solutions, wiring them in our customer complex ecosystems. The culture of smart communities focussed on deep functional and technology research, product engineering, customer transformations, and life cycle support spread across 25 countries makes me proud today.

Our resolve of bringing transformation through ‘Mission Samriddhi’ in rural India and building the spirit of ‘Can Do’ in children through ‘Ullas Trust’ is our way of contributing to society and expressing our gratitude to the roots from where we have emerged.

On this important day, I feel humbled by the power of dreams, entrepreneurship and communities. A very Happy Foundation Day to all my associates, customers and partners and I look forward to our continued journey together.

hashtag#Intellect hashtag#LiveYourDream hashtag#Polaris hashtag#FoundationDay

July 1, 2023

About author

Arun Jain