Oct 11th 2020 Nobel Prizes: Infinite capacity of the human mind

This year, the Nobel Prize for Physics and the Noble Prize for Chemistry are on two ends of the spectrum. The Physics Nobel Prize was given to the discovery of the Black Hole and for Chemistry it was given for the Genome Editing Technology CRISPR.

It’s the infinite power of the human mind to go and discover something which is 26,000 light years away from us. Each light year means 9 trillion km i.e. 26,000 X 9 X 1000,000,000,000 km away. Black hole means where the force of gravity is so strong that it pulls light as well.

It’s the power of the human mind that can also go into the minutest to minutest size of chromosomes and then sequence 3 billion base pairs. They measure this in a unit called nanometers which is 1 divided by 1000,000,000.

In Design Thinking, there are 2 competencies that are important which help in ‘Connecting the dot’ i.e. Perspective which is about seeing from a distance and the second is about Expertise, which is about going into micro details. Today, I am amazed to see the infinite capacity of the human mind to traverse from 26000 lights years to nanometers to solve the complex nature of the universe.

innovation #nobel #chemistry #designthinking #physics

May 12, 2021

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Arun Jain