My understanding of Das Lakshan Dharam – Design Thinking in action for celebrating a high-performance life

Tomorrow is the beginning of Das Lakshan Parva, which means 10 Virtues for 10 days.

My understanding of this festival:
1. I used to visit the temple during these days with my father and sat down in a few lectures randomly. I used to feel good but was not able to connect to my daily life. A few years ago I was searching for a framework from Indian scriptures in relation to where deep knowledge has been made repeatable. I found the answer in Paryushan Parva, where Jains celebrate the 10 Principles of High-Performance Life for 10 days that are committed to learning.

#DesignThinking #HighPerformanceLife #DasLakshanParva

Article: Published on August 23, 2020
My understanding of Das Lakshan Dharam – Design Thinking in action for celebrating a high-performance life 

Tomorrow is the beginning of Das Lakshan Parva, which means 10 Virtues for 10 days.

My understanding of this festival:
1. I used to visit the temple during these days with my father and sat down in a few lectures randomly. I used to feel good but was not able to connect to my daily life. A few years ago I was searching for a framework from Indian scriptures in relation to where deep knowledge has been made repeatable. I found the answer in Paryushan Parva, where Jains celebrate the 10 Principles of High-Performance Life for 10 days that are committed to learning.

2. Process Design: There are 3 innovations in this process design
a) Each day is dedicated to understand, reflect and learn about one virtue.
b) Guru (Pandit) has to be from another temple or other cities to provide a different perspective of the virtue.
c) The learning process has 3 sessions – Morning: lecture form, Afternoon: Dialogue form and Evening: Lecture and Clarifications.

3. I relate the 10 virtues to the similar 7 habits of effective leadership

  • Habit 1 – Uttam Kshma (Supreme Forgiveness) – Reverse of Anger – Powerful vs. Forgiveness. Container of disappointments poured out on the weakest person in the link.
  • Habit 2 – Uttam Mardava (Supreme Humility) – Reverse of Arrogance (Ego) – I know it all vs. I need to know.
  • Habit 3 – Uttam Aarjava (Straight Forwardness) – Reverse of Deceit (Maya) – what I think, what I say, what I do are aligned.
  • Habit 4 – Uttam Shauch (Purity or Contentment) – Reverse of Greed – I want more.
  • Habit 5 – Uttam Satya (Truth) – The search for real truth not just ‘speaking the truth’. Searching for the root cause.
  • Habit 6 – Uttam Sanyam (Self-restraint) – Having patience and not hurting any living beings.
  • Habit 7 – Uttam Tapa – The process of learning – Disciplining Senses and Disciplining Mind. 
  • Habit 8 – Uttam Tyaag – Letting go vs. just giving donation – Letting go your attachments.
  • Habit 9 – Uttam Akinchanya (Non-attachment) – Detachment from all Emotional attachments and the past.
  • Habit 10 – Uttam Brahamcharya – It’s not about celibacy but about Total Surrender to the true knowledge of the Soul. Follow Brahma – The power of Nature.

The Process Design and extreme distilling of the knowledge of life in just 10 virtues which can drive ethics, collaboration and continuous learning in a community is the true example of Design Thinking in action for celebrating a High-Performance Life.

May 11, 2021

About author

Arun Jain