Less is more First law of Design Thinking

1 Less is MORE: First Law of Design Thinking

  1.  99 plus percent mass in animals and plants consists of just 4 elements CHON – Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. All beauty of nature is designed with 4 elements.
  2. Design of all species and their behaviour and characteristics are based on just 4 elements Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine and Thymine (CGAT).
  3. Apple with just 4 products – iPhone, iMac, iPad and Airpods generates over $ 365 billion in revenues.
  4. Sometimes we celebrate and link productivity with a higher number of activities.
  5. Sometimes I measure my importance with the number of meetings per week or the number of emails I receive in my mailbox.
  6. For Design Thinking – ‘Why’ is important before ”what’? Why brings Clarity of Purpose.
  7. Once there is a clarity of purpose, one can make a few Choices using his wisdom. Making few choices are most difficult decision in a life of an individual.
  8. Japanese decluttering guru, Marie Kondo’s ‘Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up’ has revolutionised lives with the ‘Power of Deleting’ principle. This principle creates space for thinking and execution.

I call ‘Less is More’ as a First Law of Design Thinking.

February 1, 2023

About author

Arun Jain