Happy Intellect Day

Guru Purnima and Intellect Day are coinciding on the same day. The purpose of Intellect is to drive the culture of continuous learning and make a small difference to humanity by applying design thinking holistically.

For my global friends, Guru Purnima means ‘celebrating teachers’ in your life on a full moon day.

A teacher is anyone who has helped you grow in your thinking by igniting curiosity and inspiration.

I enjoy the company of this august group of learners/teachers at Intellect and my customers who provide me continuous energy, joy and fulfilment.

This inner energy and joy gets transferred to our customers where we help them work with the best-in-class FinTech solutions with the passionate leaders of intellect. In this journey of partnership, we mutually play the role of teachers, sometimes co-creating the experience of a customer’s customer. In today’s era it’s called ‘Digital’ but to us it’s joy and fulfilment for the end customer.

We transfer this joy to the young achievers of Ullas by inspiring them with a similar curiosity and joy of learning. This process has the power of Positive Virality.

Again, Happy Teacher’s and Intellect Day!

#designthinking #learning #inspiration #creativity #leadership #fintech #innovation #teachers

August 12, 2021

About author

Arun Jain