Fight scenes even in animated movies – responses

Yesterday, I questioned the fight scenes even in animated movies made for children on Facebook and LinkedIn. I received a lot of insights from your comments. I am documenting a few of the observations here.

1. Fight scenes train a child’s mind for better defence.
2. Fight scenes build ‘violence’ as a key method of resolving any difference of opinions/perspectives/expectations.
3. Violence sells better among audiences which means we as developed human being still love ‘animal’ instinct of physical force over logical conversations (dialogue) to resolve difference of opinions/perspectives.

Somewhere I am confused with our ‘expressed’ behaviour i.e. we must live with love as a key uniting force of humanity vs. ‘suppressed’ behaviour of liking physical dominance.

Please share your thoughts on this dichotomy of our behaviours.

May 10, 2018

About author

Arun Jain