#2 Less is more

1. 99+ per cent mass in animals and plants consist of just 4 elements – CHON – Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. All beauty of nature is designed with these 4 elements.
2. Design of all species and their behaviour and characteristics are based on just 4 elements – Cytosine, Guanine, Adenine and Thymine (CGAT).
3. Apple with just 4 products – iPhone, iMac, iPad and AirPods generates over 365 billion$ of revenues.
4. Sometime we celebrate and link productivity with higher number of activities.
5. Sometime I measure my importance with number of meetings per week or number of mails I receive in my mail box.
6. For Design Thinking – ‘why’ is important before ‘what’? ‘Why’ brings clarity of purpose.
7. Once there is clarity of purpose, one can make a few choices using his wisdom. Making a few choices are the most difficult decisions in the life of an individual.
8. Japanese decluttering guru Marie Kondo’s Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up has revolutionised lives by the ‘Power of Deleting’ principle. This principle creates space for thinking and execution.

I call ‘Less is More,’ as the First Law of Design Thinking.

#design #productivity #power #law #beauty #designthinking

December 12, 2021

About author

Arun Jain