Episode 5

By Intellect Design Arena Nov 15, 2023


Intellect’s eMACH.ai & Intellect Design Thinking Residential Programme for Exponential Growth at 8012 FinTech Design Center had sessions on Design Thinking for Digital Enterprise on day one and Design Thinking for Cognitive Enterprise on day two.

In this Podcast episode, Arun Jain, the Chairman and Managing Director of Intellect discusses the six imperatives of BankTech Wave 5 – Architecture, Base of eMACH.ai, Composability, Data, Embedded AI and Intelligence, Flexible and Extensible. Arun also explains iTurmeric (the MACH composable architecture), the use of composite data objects for data validation, the organisation of microservices in banking, and the use of a common observability platform, among other topics.

Listen to previous episodes from the “Design Thinking for Digital Enterprise” Podcast series:

Episode 1: Design Thinking Concepts – https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/intellect-design-ar/episodes/Design-Thinking-for-Digital-Enterprise—Episode-1-Design-Thinking-Concepts-e2ao032

Episode 2: The Why Part – Desirability – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/6aZxbW6kbEb

Episode 3: Delivering through Feasibility – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/CKlNZ0aXmEb

Episode 4: Evolution of Technology Waves – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/R41pQgIoyEb

About author

Arun Jain