Episode 2

By Intellect Design Arena Oct 25, 2023


Intellect’s eMACH.ai & Intellect Design Thinking Residential Programme for Exponential Growth at 8012 FinTech Design Center had sessions on Design Thinking for Digital Enterprise on day one and Design Thinking for Cognitive Enterprise on day two. Arun Jain, Chairman and Managing Director of Intellect, talked about the principles of Design Thinking for Digital Enterprise in the first Podcast episode.

In this second Podcast, he underlines the significance of convenience, choice, speed, and security as fundamental customer needs. He also highlights these elements as crucial factors that need consideration while creating a desirability algorithm.

Click here to listen to Episode 1: Design Thinking Concepts by Arun – https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/4nSy0jyjbEb

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Arun Jain