I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. – Mother Teresa
“Design Thinking allows us to connect Business, Technology and Operations of a bank uniquely and engineer solutions that drive unprecedented value, making it a joyous collaborative experience.”
Arun Jain
From Teenager to Achiever
I am delighted to share my personal diary of my teenage interspersed with our 25 year old ‘Diary of Dreams’ at Ullas Trust work with over 1.7 million high school students. We were searching for a good book for high school students with Indian background which can be easy read with some structured inspiration but did not find one. After lots of persuasion, I could find time to start writing this book with the help of Manju and Padmini. I sent it alongwith Diwali Gift to few friends. They loved the book which encouraged me to publish this book in this post. The book got developed around power of 5 capacities of teenage mind ie Imagination, Learning, Doing, being effective, being Influencing. In last 25 years, Ullas volunteers help student from 9th grade to write their dream and their role model in a small diary – ‘Diary of Dreams(DOD)’. This process is done in form of DOD workshop facilitated by Polaris, Intellect and Mission Samriddhi volunteers in over 85 districts across India. The book is an outcome of our deep experiences of working with 1.7 million kids. I am dedicating this book on this Diwali to bring out light of hope, dreams and aspirations to Teenager. From Teenager to Achiever -
Ullas-The Young Achiever 26th Annual Can Do workshop 2023
Today we are celebrating Ullas – The Young Achiever, 26th Annual ‘Can Do’ workshop 2023 at Music Academy, Chennai.
The workshop has over 1100 Teenagers from class 9 from government and corporation schools selected thru proper test. The test was taken by over 5000 students from over 200 schools in Chennai.
This workshop is named as ‘Diary of Dreams’ Workshop where we encourage students to write their dream in small personal diary handed to them among 1100 other students.
This is a beginning of their journey of Design the Thinking to drive higher performance followed by 20 Life skills workshops.
The 20 workshop are divided into 4 Summits.
Summit 1 for 9th standard Summit 2 for 10th standard
Summit 3 for 11th standard
Summit 4 for 12th standardEach Summit has 5 Workshops conducted by Polaris/Intellect Employees, Ullas Alumni and college students.
Celebrating Sixth Foundation Day of Mission Samriddhi
Today is the 6th foundation day of Mission Samriddhi. There were more than 70 participants in the workshop who decided on the name for the ‘Purpose’ they are committing to. Finally, it has to go for voting and the name Mission Samriddhi was born.
During that time, Arup Kavan helped me design the ‘Open Architecture’ for Social Development after researching various models of sustainable and scalable social development, including the United Nations. Since we knew social development is Multidimensional and Multifactorial problem, we will need Design Thinking as a methodology for arriving at small successes. MS executive Council also took a ‘Conscious Pause’ in accelerating the projects for the first 3 years. We called this phase of Mission Samriddhi a student phase doing extensive research through experiential learning by spawning multiple projects. This pause has provided us with‘ silent spaces’ to listen to the extreme noises in very large systems of social development.
Early on, the purpose of the organisation got crystallised into just 3 words instead of long sentences – Celebrate, Connect and Catalyse. This simplification helped in such a wonderful alignment among hundreds of like-minded, highly expertise-based professionals.
Great Example of Designing in the Minds of Villages
Transformation of villages can happen when villagers own the change and work together. In the above movie, Sidharth Tripathi, a government bureaucrat works with the tribal community and the change is visible.
- Complete alcohol-free tribal community
- Family income increases 3 times from 3 crops per year vs. 1 crop per year. This is because of water conservation.
- The education of the tribal women and then building SHG where banks are comfortable giving loans up to 5 lacs creating nextgen entrepreneurs.
- Curiosity of villagers to learn scientific agriculture and crop diversity like Shimla Mirch etc., increased income further.
- Youth participating in sports, this way they stay away from drugs and alcohol.
- Both forest conservation and water conservation i.e. ecology drivers built in.
We visited Aram Kera villages in February 2021 and were amazed to see how Personal Development with minimal cost can drive 50 to 100 times the economic viability.
#transformation #ruralindia
Over 1,100 Young Minds Attend Ullas’ 26th Annual ‘Can Do’ Workshop in Chennai
Today, we celebrated Ullas -The Young Achiever, 26th Annual ‘Can Do’ workshop 2023 at Music Academy, Chennai.
The workshop saw over 1,100 Teenagers from class IX from government and corporation schools selected through proper tests. Over 5,000 students took the test from over 200 schools in Chennai.
This workshop is named the ‘Diary of Dreams’ Workshop, where we encourage students to write their dreams in small personal diaries handed to them among 1100 other students.
This is the beginning of their journey of Design Thinking to drive higher performance, followed by 20 Life skills workshops. Each Summit has five Workshops conducted by Polaris/Intellect Employees, Ullas Alumni and college students.
Driving Digital Enterprise To Cognitive Institution
IntellectAI kept resonating on 2nd day at Sibos with its CoPilot for Corporate Bankers. Let me share the story of the origin of CoPilot. Intellect started its AI journey 7 years back in the US. We were the first to set up a dedicated team in the US and embark on a ‘Platform’ approach to build AI capabilities aligned to what Financial Services will need in the future.
During the first phase, which we call IntellectAI 1.0, we mastered the art of extracting contextual and sentimental data from Excel Sheets, PDF Documents and Images. We applied triangulation, validation and enrichment to create what we called a Document Intelligence Platform. The technology behind it took 5 years to mature from Build Stage, i.e. 80+ per cent accuracy, to Decision Grade AI with 97+ per cent accuracy. This technology was then successfully applied in the highly document-intense industry space of Policy Underwriting, especially for P&C (Property & Casualty) Insurance. Today, this technology has empowered 20+ customers globally to make better and more informed decisions in Policy Underwriting, Cash Management and Expense Management spaces.
Once we mastered the Document Intelligence Platform, we moved to the next phase of our journey to build Multi-Question Search(MQS) and Triangulation technologies. In the Financial services space, the problems are multi-dimensional with the highest level of complexity associated with the variables around each dimension. Making it Decision Grade required accuracy, referenceability and audit trail for each proposed inference. This is what our next-generation technologies were able to deliver. And this is what we christened as CoPilot, ready for adoption across multiple industry segments.
The largest Norwegian Fund adopted IntellectAI’s CoPilot for ESG to create the ESG Risk Wheel, which is a combination of 150 unique sets of questions triaged from data from 8000+ companies.
Our CoPilot for Corporate Banking is targeted to leverage the power of AI in the Commercial Banking space. It seamlessly connects with Microsoft Azure OpenAI and delivers the high octane of Prompt Engineering and GenAI in order to boost accelerated revenue growth with reduced operational costs.
We are already receiving huge interest from global banks asking the right questions to bring more clarity and explore opportunities in their journey to become a Cognitive Institution from a Digital Enterprise.